martes, 31 de enero de 2012

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iPod Overview OVRPOD1121 English
Selling iPod SELPOD1121 English
Mac Notebook Family Overview OVRMMF1102 Spanish
Selling Mac Notebook Family SELMNF1102 Spanish
Selling iPad SELPAD1122 Spanish
iPhone and iPad Technical Training: Overview TT1200 UK *
iPhone and iPad Technical Training: Integration TT1201 UK *
iPhone and iPad Technical Training: Security TT1202 UK *
iPhone and iPad Technical Training: Deployment TT1203 UK *
iPhone and iPad Technical Training: App Development and Distribution TT1204 UK*
iPhone and iPad Technical Training: Final Quiz TT1205 UK *

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Apple Sales Web

Apple Sales Web 

contiene todos los recursos necesarios para promocionar y vender productos.

Accede al Apple Store para Distribuidores (Reseller Store)

Apple puede configurar a medida cualquier Mac nuevo, en función de varias opciones que puede elegir el
cliente en el momento de la compra. Como Distribuidor Autorizado Apple, puedes solicitar estos productos
confi gurados a medida en pocos minutos a través del Apple Store para Distribuidores.

Apple Store

Gestión de dispositivos móviles

Este enlace os resultara muy interesante

Comparando MDM

iPad en Proyectos de Educacion

Lessons Learned from Large-Scale iPad Deployments in Education

How does a Windows-centric schools district deploy over a 1,000 iPads to elementary students not old enough to legally have an Apple ID? How do you get high school students to come to IT voluntarily if they jail break their device? How do you prevent iPad damage in schools? All these questions and more were answered by Cecile Lelievre from Brandeis Hillel Day School Maribel Guizar-Maita fromAlum Rock Union Elementary School District in Santa Clara. Both deployed over a 1,000 iPads in their schools and shared lessons learned during a panel moderated by JAMF software at Mac IT Conference 2012.
Apple ID Strategies for Large iPad Deployments 
Cecile used a combination of personal Apple IDs and JAMF's Casper Suite to offer high school students a blend of choice. Each student had an Apple ID tied to their parent's credit card so they could buy content they wanted. Apps that the school district required the student to own were available via JAMF's self-service center. Once the App is gifted to the individual's Apple ID you can't get it back so they had to expense it similarly to buying paper for students that isn't returned.
Maribel's school creates Apple IDs per grade level. Only approved applications can be downloaded and all applications are pushed via JAMF. When working in a grade school environment you must keep in mind that students under 13 can not legally have an Apple ID. This is was an additional reason why they manage all the Apple IDs.
Backup Strategies for iPad Deployments
Maribel's school gives each classroom a Bretford iPad cart with a MacBook. The iPads are backed up to that MacBook when plugged in each night. Cecile ran into problems with students taking their iPad home and syncing it with their home computer, which blew away the institutional image. She prefers Apps that sync their data online because if students accidentally sync their device at home and erase it, they don't lose the data on the device.
Who Chooses Which Apps Are Used
The school chose an assortment of Apps that covered many areas. Then the teachers can suggest Apps for their classes that they can ask IT to push out to students. If the App is free and has some educational value, it is always approved.
Loss & Damage of iPads in Schools
Brandeis Hillel Day School offered a third-party insurance program to families for an additional $50 that would cover damage and loss, they also bundle in the cost of AppleCare. They keep a whole bunch of spares. If a student drops their device twice, they get downgraded to an iPad 1. Finally, they include a ballistic case with all iPads which prevents a lot of damage.
Alum Rock Union Elementary School District hasn't had as many problems with damage because the students love these devices and are very careful with them. They actually see more breakage from teachers who are less careful with the device. They include a clear case, protective film, and also tag each device with big ugly serial numbers.
Catching Jail Breakers
In the high school environment, Cecile would run a report using JAMF that would show the last time each device had been on-site. If the device hadn't registered lately, she would disable it from connecting to the network by blocking their MAC address. The student then comes to IT on their own because they can't connect to the network and then she "educates" them on why.
Pushing Non-App Content
Cecile used Dropbox or to allow teachers to push and sync content on the devices. She is now investigating a hybrid cloud using WebDav to provide a more secure place to store shared content for staff.
Maribel's school distributes content by syncing each iPad to the cart with a Macbook each night. They also configure email accounts for each student so that they can use Apps that require email addresses. Email accounts for the younger students are only allowed to email addresses within the school's domain.
You Have A Great Network But Do You Have Enough IP Addresses?
If you're considering an iOS device roll-out you need to examine your network infrastructure first. For example, Maribel's school had plenty of access points but ran out DHCP addresses during deployment.

Good for Enterprise

Good for Enterprise™ delivers data protection, as well as the ability to easily manage employees’ Apple® iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android® smartphone devices, remotely. Good’s solution is the secure, easy-to-manage, and cost-effective choice.
Good uses patented end-to-end security that protects corporate data along each phase of delivery to all provisioned iOS devices. Data transmitted over the air—and at rest on devices—is secured with industry-leading AES-192 encryption. No need to change your firewall settings or set up new inbound connections—all Good servers are deployed behind the firewall with a secure outbound connection using standard port 443. Corporate data stays strongly protected without disruptive changes to your current infrastructure.
Good for Enterprise is a securely contained environment. Data is encrypted from the corporate server, and secure access stays within the Good for Enterprise application. Good for Enterprise makes the office conveniently mobile: employees access corporate email, contacts, and calendar through the Good for Enterprise app, just as they would access Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes at the office desktop. Accessing corporate Intranets or Web applications is done through a secure browser within the Good application. Outside of the application, business and personal data don’t mix, preventing potential enterprise data loss or leakage—the latter often caused by consumer apps contaminating business apps.
Good for Enterprise is not only a versatile application for your employees’ portable devices, it also allows you complete control over your mobile workforce. Troubleshoot issues with total visibility into your staff’s Android-enabled smart devices. Protect corporate data through easy-to-apply policies, such as requiring passwords and preventing cut/copy/paste from the Good app. Perform remote wipe of enterprise data only, leaving personal data intact. Empower your employees with basic tasks, including the ability to add or remote-wipe their devices with an easy-to-use Web-based utility.
Access a universal dashboard through any Web browser, and instantly view and manage all mobile devices in your workforce. Provision new Android smartphones, enforce passwords, distribute custom or 3rd party enterprise applications, establish role-based policies—from virtually anywhere, anytime. In short, spend less time managing software and more time protecting business data.

Integrar las tabletas con escritorios

Las tabletas serán omnipresentes en la oficina en dos años

El objetivo de los CIO consultados por Cisco para un estudio aseguran que el reto será integrar de forma transparente las tabletas con los escritorios de los empleados
La encuesta realizada a CIO de todo el mundo revela que en EEUU y Francia el porcentaje de empleados que solicitan una tableta a la empresa es el 21%, mientras que en Alemania es el 13% y en España el 12%. Sin embargo, 7 de cada 10 responsables de TI encuestados afirman que las tabletas serán el elemento de trabajo más extendido de aquí a dos años.
Los participantes han señalado que las aplicaciones que más se demandan actualmente son los e-mails, el intercambio de documentos, la videoconferencia, la mensajería instantánea y el acceso a bases de datos

Why Android isn't gaining on Apple in the Enterprise

Why Android isn't gaining on Apple in the Enterprise
In the consumer market, Apple's iOS and Android's licensees have engaged in a consumer tug of war over sales. Among enterprise buyers however, Apple has maintained extensive lead that is only strengthening. 

sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

Tim Cook a su equipo

Si algo diferencia a Tim Cook de su antecesor y mentor, Steve Jobs, es la comunicación constante que mantiene con los empleados de Apple. Tras el comunicado de los más que positivos resultados económicos de hoy, el CEO ha mandado un email a sus empleados donde les da la enhorabuena por su gran trabajo.
Y no solo eso, Tim Cook vuelve a dar pistas de los nuevos proyectos en los que Apple se encuentra trabajando actualmente. Por eso, cita a todos sus empleados mañana a las 10 AM (hora del Pacífico, San Francisco) a acudir a una reunión donde se aportará más información sobre el tema.
Este es el email que Cook ha mandado a los trabajadores de Apple:
Gracias a todos por vuestro duro esfuerzo, acabamos de comenzar un gran 2012. La semana pasada en Nueva York lanzamos una iniciativa innovadora en la educación con la inserción de libros de texto en iBooks y hoy hemos anunciado el trimestre más fuerte de la historia de Apple. Por favor, acompañadme mañana a las 10 am en Town Hall. Revisaremos nuestro récord de resultados y hablaremos de nuevos proyectos que están ocurriendo en Apple. La reunión será retransmitida en directo en muchos sitios de Cupertino y otras localizaciones de Apple. Por favor, comprobad AppleWeb para más detalles.


Lista de Precios Apple

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Los Analistas Predicen 48 Millones de iPad Vendidos durante 2012

2011, como predijo Steve Jobs, fue el año del iPad 2. Un año en el que la segunda versión del tablet de los de Cupertino arrasó totalmente. Muchos han intentado competir con el iPad, pero ninguno ha conseguido siquiera hacerle sombra.

Ahora parece que 2012 será el año del iPad 3. En el CES 2012 no se vio nada que pueda competir con el iPad, y tampoco hay nada en proyecto (que nosotros sepamos). Incluso el Kindle Fire de Amazon va a tener complicado competir con Apple en 2012, especialmente si el lanzamiento del iPad 3 implica una reducción en el precio del actual iPad 2.

Con una pantalla de alta resolución Retina Display que dobla la resolución del iPad 2 actual, un mejorado (posiblemente Quad-core) procesador, una batería con más duración, cámaras mejoradas y más RAM, el iPad 3 va a ser muy difícil de batir.

El iPad 3, pese a que todavía no haya detalles oficiales sobre su fecha de lanzamiento, ha impulsado a los analistas y estos ya han emitido sus predicciones. Según el analista Shaw Wu, Apple podría vender 48 millones de iPad durante 2012.

En comparación, Apple vendió aproximadamente 32,4 millones de iPad a lo largo de 2011. Wu, sin embargo, cree que 48 millones podría ser una predicción conservadora ya que las ventas actuales de Apple ya superan esa cifra…

¿Dónde están todos aquellos que decían que el iPad no iba a llegar a ningún sitio? ¿Y la competencia? Si se duermen -más todavía- en los laureles ya pueden dar la guerra por perdida. Totalmente perdida.


iPad eating up PC sales, not hurting Mac sales 

Demand for iPads helped to blunt growth among generic PCs across the industry, with Microsoft reporting a 6 percent decline in Windows revenues for the same quarter. However, Apple's iPad sales haven't had a negative impact on the company's own Mac sales. 

Instead, it appears that iPad, along with iPhone and iPod, continues to exercise a halo effect that draws customers to Apple's notebooks and desktops. The company pointed out that it had strong sales in both notebooks and with its desktop iMacs, with average weekly Mac sales being up in every geography. 

Over a fifth of its Macs were sold through Apple's own retail stores, where the company reported that of the 1.1 million Macs sold to customers, half were purchased by users who were new to the Mac platform.

viernes, 27 de enero de 2012


SCC ha sido nominado por APPLE, Integrador de Sistemas Autorizado.

Es una nueva figura que APPLE incorpora a su canal tradicional, dentro de una estrategia a nivel mundial para la atención de las Grandes Organizaciones y el Cliente Corporativo.
El creciente uso de los dispositivos APPLE en este entorno corporativo es una realidad, y SCC como Integrador de Sistemas Autorizado de Apple, garantiza las mejores condiciones para el correcto despliegue de estos productos de una manera segura y apropiada.

Los planes de formación y certificación están en marcha, y contamos con un nuevo nivel de precios en los Distribuidores Autorizados en España: ( Esprinet; Ingram, y Vinzeo) en todas las líneas de producto APPLE: iPad, Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini, iMac, AppleCare y accesorios.

En los próximos días organizaremos una conference call con el equipo de Apple , y recibiremos toda la información necesaria para el desarrollo de esta nueva línea de negocio en SCC, a la que damos la bienvenida.