miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

Apple's New iPad Announcement Day: The Enterprise A Clear Target

Leido en Aerohive Blog

I’m not usually prone to hyperbole, but I absolutely think it goes without saying all the tremendous announcements from Apple this week have them focused on great product execution (a forte of the new CEO Tim Cook) with an eye clearly toward the enterprise and education market domination.

Without Apple and announcements like this, “Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)” and “consumerization of IT” would still be buzz words used to pump up company valuations and jazz up marketing campaigns. Things are getting real now.

We’re super jazzed about the iPad 3 announcement here at the Hive and are focused more than ever on "Simpl-fi” ing the use of Apple products on your enterprise’s network. I mean it honestly doesn’t get any easier to use an iPad 3 than when your network is Bonjour-aware and our recent announcement accomplishes that.
But today, a couple more pieces fall into place as well.

1) Higher resolution Retina display:
a. For the Consumer – More resolution than a PS3 or Xbox 360 means that it's a hella good platform for fraggin’ some n00bs as soon as they get CounterStrike on that bad boy.

b. For Business – The iPad becomes a legitimate media device for viewing and exchanging high-resolution imagery for anything from remote medical diagnostics to using for art and music education.
2) A5X quad-core processor:
a. For the Consumer: Extra smooth fraggin’ of n00bs plus faster processing of photos and video changes. There will be better audio processing allowing the weak DJs of today to electronically drop the beat even more efficiently then they could in the past (note: back in my day, we carried a dozen milk crates filled with vinyl deep cuts through the snows of Boston, up hill, in both directions, just to spin at a gig!)

b. For Business – This process allows more enterprise applications to be ported to the iPad platform – custom enterprise applications supported by Oracle backends for instance. This means it becomes a more legitimate replacement for laptops for employees that don’t necessarily need laptops. Also, as a more capable device it can open up new applications for tablets when the company owns the device (dedicated EMR stations in hospitals, teachers’ record keeping and video lesson device, etc.)

3. Longer battery life:
a. Consumer: Frag n00bs all day long

b. For Business: Conduct a full day’s class work or a full shift or keeping the retail queue moving all day without plugging in and charging up. This is a key feature to keep businesses buzzing.

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