miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012

Mobility and Business Intelligence Top Technology Priority List For Australian and New Zealand CIOs in 2012

Gartner Survey Reveals Focus on Growth, Cost Reductions and Customers As 2012 Budget Projections Remain Flat

Sydney, Australia, April 3, 2012— CIOs in Australia and New Zealand view governance, compliance, regulation and security as the biggest barriers to IT, above lack of IT budget and resources, according to the Gartner Executive Programs 2012 CIO Agenda survey. Leading local CIOs’ technology priority list in 2012 are mobile technologies, analytics/business intelligence and cloud computing.
“Unlike the rest of the world, local CIOs seem more concerned with governance than money when it comes to delivering value from IT,” said Andy Rowsell-Jones, vice president at Gartner. “This is in part to do with having more money to spend than global counterparts, but they are also under pressure to use it wisely.”

Gartner’s latest annual survey of 2,336 CIOs worldwide, including 132 from Australia and New Zealand, was conducted in the fourth quarter of 2011 and represents CIO budget plans reported at that time.

CIOs in Australia and New Zealand reported an average budget increase of 1.3 percent over 2011, slightly higher than the nominal 0.5 percent worldwide average increase.

“While not sheep stations, it is positive to note that half the CIOs in Australia and New Zealand are experiencing budget increases in 2012,” said Mr. Rowsell-Jones. “Even growth of 1.3 percent is significant, which is enough to knock IT cost reductions from the number two CIO strategy worldwide, down to number seven locally.”

Just over two fifths (43 percent) of CIOs have a flat budget in 2012 and less than a tenth (7%) reported a cut.

Despite tough economic conditions and future uncertainties, business expectations in Australia and New Zealand have strengthened the CIO’s focus in 2012 towards growth and customer retention. The business and technology priorities of local CIOs are strongly aligned with their global counterparts, with a few small differences.

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