miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

Cisco Technical Support iPhone/iPad App

Be connected, stay up to date, and tuned in!  With Cisco Technical Support mobile offerings you now have more flexibility to connect and interact with Cisco Support Community, your one-stop technical support destination.

The Cisco Technical Support iPhone & iPad apps provides access to Cisco technical support content as well as the Support Community's rich technical support discussions. It enables you to access forum discussions, feeds, podcasts, videos, and our community's "leaderboards" via a user friendly mobile app interface. Through this app, you will be able to collaborate with other community members on the go!

Key Features

  • Receive real solutions from the community  and Cisco experts for your troubleshooting needs on the fly - whether at  one's desk, working in a datacenter, waiting at an airport or anywhere support needs to be completed.
  • Stay plugged in to the latest Cisco news, security updates, and blogs via Feeds and Podcasts
  • Track your activities under My Activities for quick access to discussions you have started and replied to
  • Keep informed and updated via technical support videos presented by top Cisco Experts
  • Interact with support professionals and Cisco customers with the right expertise in the right technology domains via community profiles and  member leaderboards (lists of top community contributors).
  • Share the latest technical support insights from our communities with friends and colleagues anytime, anywhere.

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